- World politics
- Political scandals
- UK Elections
- US Elections
- Apartheid
- South Africa
- Nelson Mandela
- African States
- Royalty
- Royal Births
- Royal Weddings
- Coronations
- Royal Scandals
- Obituaries
- Pollution
- Global warming
- Disasters
- Floods
- Earthquakes
- Volcanoes
- Famines
- Crime
- Assassinations
- Spies
- Espionage
- Space
- Moon Landings
- Aviation
- Roads (UK)
- Railways (UK)
- Motor industry
- Shipping
- Health (UK)
- Transplants
- Computers
- Religion
- Education (UK)
- Global Economy
- Oil
- Finance
- Europe / EEC
- Fashion
- Models
- Babies
- Contraception
- Cloning
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- Rock / pop artists
- Explorers
- Race Relations
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- Press History
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- Last Issues
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- Communism
- Russia
- Stalin / Lenin
- Perestroika
- Gorbachev
- China
- Mao Tse Tung
- Hong Kong
- Hitler / Nazism
- Mussolini / Fascism
- and many, many more!